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С помощью нашего калькулятора онлайн расчет сайдинга на дом можно сделать быстро и просто. Этот способ позволяет без специальных знаний понять приблизительное количество панелей и аксессуаров. Для пользования программой вам понадобится план дома с указанием всех параметров стен и крыши. Введя в поля все необходимые данные, вы узнаете примерное количество материалов, которые понадобятся для облицовки дома продукцией Mitten. Внимание! Любой калькулятор расчета количества сайдинга онлайн работает согласно заданному алгоритму и предлагает лишь ориентировочный результат. Если вы решили использовать калькулятор сайдинга, то результаты расчета вы можете выслать на адрес вашей электронной почты. 1. Основные элементы![]() Рассчитываем площадь фасадаУсловно площадь фасада вашего дома — сумма площадей прямоугольников. Площадь прямоугольников со сторонами а и h равна произведению их сторон, то есть площадь фасадов — это сумма всех таких прямоугольников. Окна не вычитаем! 2. Окна и двери![]() Рассчитываем площадь оконЧаще всего окна имеют прямоугольную форму. Помним, что площадь прямоугольников со сторонами а и h равна произведению их сторон, то есть площадь окна — S = а*h. 5. Софиты![]() Рассчитываем площадь софитовСнова используем формулу для вычисления площади прямоугольника. Сейчас S = a*b, где b — это ширина вылета краев крыши. 4. Карнизная панель![]() Рассчитываем длину карнизовЗдесь все просто: сумма длин a + a1 + a2 + a3 3. Внутренних углы![]() Рассчитываем длину всех внутренних угловЗдесь все просто: сумма длин h + h2 и т.д. 3. Внешние углы![]() Рассчитываем длину всех внешних угловЗдесь все просто: сумма длин h + h2 + h3 + h4 и т.д. 6. Дополнительно![]() Рассчитываем площадь фронтоновЕсли крыша правильная, двухскатная, то плошадь одного фронтона = h*a, где a — ширина основания кровли, BНИМАНИЕ! Обращаем Bаше внимание на то, что данный расчет предназначен в первую очередь для ориентировочного расчета расхода сайдинга и комплектующих для домов с несложной конфигурацией. Для более точного расчета, а также при сложной конфигурации строения советуем пригласить специалиста по замеру, либо для точного расчета свяжитесь с нашими менеджерами 8(495) 258-62-08 доб. 1 (многоканальный). Мы выкупаем неиспользованный сайдинг обратно. Если вы купили у нас сайдинг, И ДАЖЕ ЕСЛИ МОНТИРОВАЛИ ЕГО СВОИМИ СИЛАМИ. |
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90000 Siding Material Calculator — Inch Calculator 90001 90002 Find the number of squares of siding material are needed by entering the dimensions of the building below for a wall or gable. Optionally, include the number of doors and windows to refine the estimate. 90003 90004 90005 90006 90006 90008 How to Estimate Squares of Siding Material 90009 90010 90002 If you’re planning a siding replacement project or preparing to install a new exterior then the first thing you should do is estimate the size of the project.This step will help with estimating material and labor costs. 90003 90002 Siding is often estimated and priced by the square. 90003 90002 90016 Square 90017 is a term used by contractors, installers, and building suppliers and is a unit of measure equal to 100 square feet of material. 90003 90002 Vinyl siding is commonly estimated by the square to determine how much labor and material is needed. 90003 90002 One square of siding will cover 100 square feet, and an average box of vinyl siding contains 2 squares of material.90003 90023 90002 To find the number of squares of siding needed for an installation, measure each walls width and height in feet. Multiply the width and height to get the area of the wall in square feet. 90003 90002 Divide the square footage by 100 to get the number of squares needed for the wall. 90003 90002 90029 For example, 90030 a wall that is 40ft wide and 12ft high will require 4.8 squares of material. 90003 90002 40 × 12 = 480 90033 480 ÷ 100 = 4.8 90003 90008 Estimating Gable Walls 90009 90002 Finding the square footage of a gable wall is similar to finding the square footage of a standard wall.Measure the width of the gable and the height of the gable, from the base of the triangle to the peak. 90003 90002 Then multiply the width and height, just like you would to find the area of a rectangle. Finally divide the area in half to get the final square footage. Divide by 100 to get the number of squares. 90003 90002 90029 For example, 90030 a 20ft wide gable that is 10ft tall will require 1 square of material. 90003 90002 20 × 10 = 200 90033 200 ÷ 2 = 100 90033 100 ÷ 100 = 1 90003 90002 It is a good idea to order additional material to account for angle cutoffs of along the edge of the gable roof.90003 90008 Accounting for Doors and Windows 90009 90002 A wall with doors and windows may require less squares of material to cover than a wall with no doors. To account for this overage in material, find the square footage of space that will not be covered in siding for the doors and windows and subtract that from the total square footage of the wall. 90003 90002 For example, an average door is 3ft wide by 7ft high. Subtract 21ft 90056 2 90057 from the total square footage to account for a door.Windows vary in size, and the square footage can be found by multiplying the length and the width. 90003 90002 It is a good idea to account for waste during installation and order additional material. It is commonly recommended to order an additional 10% material to account for cutoffs, trim, and other waste. 90003 90008 Additional Siding Installation Resources 90009 90002 For clapboard and lap siding use our clapboard siding calculator to find the number of boards needed to cover the home.The board and batten siding calculator can estimate the material needed for a board and batten project. 90003 90002 Find the cost of siding installation in your area or find qualified installers. 90003 .90000 Vinyl Siding Calculator — Estimate Siding, Trim, and Material Pricing 90001 90002 Calculate vinyl siding, trim, and materials needed by entering the dimensions of the building below. You’ll get a detailed bill of materials and cost estimate for your project. 90003 90004 90005 90006 Material Estimate: 90007 90002 Squares of Siding (ft 90009 2 90010) 90003 90002 J-Channel (12 ‘lengths) 90003 90002 Undersill Utility Trim 90003 90016 Estimated Material Cost: 90017 90002 90019 * Estimate only — costs vary by location / vendor, selected material, and quantities.90020 90003 90022 90022 90006 How to Estimate How Much Vinyl Siding is Needed for a Home 90007 90026 90002 Vinyl siding is a beautiful and cost effective material to enhance your home’s curb appeal and exterior look. 90003 90002 The first step to a vinyl siding installation is to estimate and order materials.90003 90002 Finding the amount of material needed is a fairly simple process. Vinyl siding is sold by the square, which is equivalent to 100 square feet of material. 90003 90033 Get Free Project Estimates 90034 90002 Find Qualified Siding Professionals in Your Area 90003 90002 To find the number of squares, measure the square footage and divide by 100. Start by measuring the height and width of each wall of the building. Multiply each length and height measurement to find the square footage of each wall, then add them together to find the total square footage.90003 90002 Divide the total by 100 to find the number of squares of vinyl siding to order. 90003 90006 Finding How Much Trim is Needed for a Vinyl Siding Installation 90007 90002 Estimating the amount of trim needed for your vinyl siding project starts with understanding what trims are available and where they should be installed. 90003 90002 From there it is possible to measure all of the areas for trim to calculate the trim needed for the project. The calculator above will also estimate the amount of trim pieces needed based on the number of doors and windows and the size of the project.90003 90016 J-Channel Trim 90017 90002 J-channel is a trim piece that is used to cover the exposed edges on the sides of vinyl siding. This is often used to cover the edges of windows and doors and the top of the wall beneath the soffit. 90003 90002 It can also be used for inside corners or where vinyl siding meets another form of siding or trim. Add the measurements of all of these surfaces to find how much J-channel will be needed. 90003 90016 Starter Strips 90017 90002 Starter strips are used at the bottom of a wall to provide a solid attachment for the bottom of a piece of vinyl siding and to fur out the bottom of the piece for an even look.You’ll typically need this around the bottom of the wall. 90003 90002 Measure the walls along the bottom of all the siding to estimate starter strip material. 90003 90059 90016 Undersill or Utility Trim 90017 90002 Utility trim, sometimes called undersill trim, is installed on a horizontal surface to cover the exposed top-edge of vinyl siding. This is often installed under window sills and the top of a wall where it meets the soffit. 90003 90002 Measure all of the surfaces that will be exposed at the top of a piece of siding to estimate the amount of utility trim needed.90003 90016 Corner Trim 90017 90002 Special trim is available to cover the outer edge of vinyl siding on an outside corner and for siding to meet at an inside corner for a finished look. Measure the height of each outside corner and add together to find the amount of outside corner trim needed and repeat this process for the inside corners. 90003 90006 Other Materials 90007 90002 There are several other materials needed for a vinyl siding project. If your home does not have a wrap installed you’ll want to order enough to cover the building.There is special tape available for sealing home wrap for a long-lasting installation. 90003 90002 Vinyl siding is installed by nailing it to the building. A nail should be placed about every 12 inches, following the manufacturer’s instructions of course. You will need about 2/3 of a pound of nails per square of siding being installed. Be sure to use a galvanized vinyl siding rated nail to prevent rusting. 90003 90002 Plan to order additional material to account for waste. Most contractors recommend ordering an extra about 10% additional material to account for cutoffs, mistakes, and unusable pieces.It’s a good idea to have additional trim on-hand as well. 90003 90006 Summary 90007 90002 Installing new vinyl siding is easy if you measure correctly and estimate the right amount of material to order. Learn more about the cost of new siding and see how vinyl compares to other options. 90003 90002 See our other siding articles and calculators as you prepare for your new installation. 90003 .90000 Clapboard and Lap Board Siding Calculator 90001 90002 Find the number of clapboards needed using our siding board calculator. The calculator will also determine the overlap and exposure of each board, find the total number of boards needed, and is perfect for estimating cedar wood siding or Hardie fiber lap siding. 90003 90002 Optionally enter the number of doors and windows to refine your estimate. 90003 90006 90007 90008 90008 90010 How to Estimate Siding Boards Needed 90011 90012 90002 Cedar wood siding and Hardie fiber board siding is commonly available in a clapboard or lap board style and is often sold by the 12 ‘board.The boards overlap each other and are only partially exposed to the elements to keep the building water-tight. 90003 90002 Estimate the number of boards needed for a project in a few simple steps. 90003 90017 Find the Overlap and Exposure of the Board 90018 90002 Board siding is installed from the bottom up, with each board overlapping each other by a small margin. Different materials and styles of siding have varying requirements for the minimum amount of overlap needed to keep the wall water-tight and maximize the durability of the siding.90003 90002 Often, the minimum amount of overlap is 1 «- 1 90022 1 90023/90024 2 90025». 90003 90002 The exposure of the board is the amount of the board that is exposed to the elements. This can be found by subtracting the overlap of the boards from the actual board width. 90003 90002 The exposure is what will be used to determine the number of courses needed for the wall, and ultimately to find the number of linear feet of siding needed. 90003 90031 90017 Cedar Board Dimensions 90018 90034 90035 Common cedar board sizes and their maximum exposure.90036 90037 90038 90039 Nominal 90040 90039 Actual 90040 90039 Exposure 90040 90045 90046 90047 90038 90049 4 «90050 90049 3.5 «90050 90049 2 «90050 90045 90038 90049 6 «90050 90049 5.5 «90050 90049 4 «90050 90045 90038 90049 8 «90050 90049 7.5 «90050 90049 6 «90050 90045 90038 90049 10 «90050 90049 9.5 «90050 90049 8 «90050 90045 90038 90049 12 «90050 90049 11.5 «90050 90049 10 «90050 90045 90088 90089 90017 Hardie Fiber Board Dimensions 90018 90034 90035 Common Hardie board sizes and their maximum exposure.90036 90037 90038 90039 Nominal 90040 90039 Exposure 90040 90045 90046 90047 90038 90049 5.25 «90050 90049 4 «90050 90045 90038 90049 6.25 «90050 90049 5 «90050 90045 90038 90049 7.25 «90050 90049 6 «90050 90045 90038 90049 8.25 «90050 90049 7 «90050 90045 90038 90049 9.25 «90050 90049 8 «90050 90045 90038 90049 12 «90050 90049 10.75 «90050 90045 90088 90089 90002 These dimensions are for average styles and materials only, refer to the siding manufacturer for exact specifications.90003 90017 Estimate the Number of Courses of Siding 90018 90002 The number of courses of siding can be found by dividing the height of the wall in inches by the exposure of the board. Use our feet to inches conversion calculator if you know the height of the building in feet. 90003 90002 Siding should be kept 6 «off the ground, account for that when measuring and estimating material. 90003 90002 90151 For example, 90152 installing siding with a 4 «exposure on a wall that is 12ft high will take 36 courses of siding.90003 90002 12 ‘× 12 «per ft = 144» 90155 144 ÷ 4 = 36 90003 90002 It’s likely that a partial course will be needed if the exposure of the board does not divide evenly into the height of the building. In that case, re-calculate the exposure slightly so that each course is even and the top course does not end up being too short. 90003 90002 90151 For example, 90152 installing siding with a 7 «exposure on a wall that is 12ft high will take 20.6 courses of siding. Adjust the exposure of the board to be 6.85 «to end up with an even 21 courses. 90003 90002 12 ‘× 12 «per ft = 144» 90155 144 ÷ 7 = 20.6 90155 144 ÷ 20.6 = 6.85 90003 90017 Estimate Linear Feet 90018 90002 Estimate the number of linear feet of siding needed by multiplying the width of the wall in feet by the number of courses. Boards are most commonly sold in 12 ‘lengths, though 16’ and 20 ‘lengths can often be ordered. 90003 90002 Divide the linear footage by 12 ‘to find the number of boards needed to cover the wall. 90003 90002 90151 For example, 90152 installing 21 courses of siding on a 20 ‘wide wall will require 420 linear feet of siding, or 35 boards.90003 90002 21 × 20 = 420 90155 420 ÷ 12 = 35 90003 90002 Learn more about how to calculate linear feet. 90003 90010 How to Estimate Gable Walls 90011 90002 Finding the number of boards needed for a gable is fairly simple. Simply multiply the height and width of the gable and estimate the linear footage like you would for a rectangle using the width and height. 90003 90002 Divide in half to get the linear footage needed to cover a the triangular area. 90003 90002 90151 For example, 90152 installing 21 courses of siding on a 20 ‘wide gable will require 210 linear feet of siding, or 18 boards.90003 90002 21 × 20 = 420 90155 420 ÷ 2 = 210 90155 210 ÷ 12 = 17.5 — round up to 18 90003 90002 Consider ordering additional material for offcuts needed for the angle. 90003 90010 More Siding Installation Resources 90011 90002 Use our siding squares calculator to estimate vinyl siding square material needed. Our board and batten calculator can estimate board and batten siding materials. 90003 90002 Learn more about the cost of siding installation in your area and find qualified installers near you.90003 90008 90205 inchcalculator.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. 90206 .90000 Cost to Repair Siding — 2020 Average Prices 90001 90002 To find out how much it costs to repair siding, it’s essential to consider the price of the individual materials. We’ll cover the cost of repairs for each in detail below. 90003 90002 Loading prices for zip code.90003 90006 2020 Siding Repair Costs 90007 90002 Calculate local project costs by entering your zip code. 90003 90010 90011 90012 National Average Price 90013 90014 $ 500 90013 90016 90011 90014 Typical Price Range 90013 90014 $ 100 — $ 1,000 90013 90016 90023 90002 Get free estimates from contractors near you.90003 90026 90026 90028 How Much Does it Cost to Repair Siding? 90007 90002 The cost of repairing siding depends heavily on the material, the extent of the damage, the average cost in your area, and labor costs.90003 90002 It’s difficult to calculate the exact cost as any home is different, but here are some useful figures that will help you determine your own final cost for siding repairs: 90003 90034 Get Free Project Estimates 90035 90002 Find Qualified Siding Professionals in Your Area 90003 90002 Most siding repair projects are small and run 90034 $ 100 — $ 1,000 90035 for repairs, the average is about 90034 about $ 500 90035. 90043 [1] 90044 90003 90002 Labor is a significant portion of the repair price.It takes approximately 7 hours of labor to install 120 square foot of siding. Labor rates are usually between 90034 $ 40 and $ 50 per hour 90035. 90003 90050 90002 If siding needs extensive repair and requires 500 square foot of new material, this could take around 30 hours to complete at 90034 $ 45 90035 per hour amounting to 90034 $ 1,350 90035 in labor costs alone. 90003 90002 Siding material varies in cost but let’s assume it runs 90034 $ 4 90035 per square foot then the material would cost 90034 $ 2,000 90035.This would bring the repair project to 90034 $ 3,350 90035 for labor and material in this example. 90003 90002 Because the price of labor and material vary and the extent of the damage may be difficult to asses we recommend consulting with a siding professional to get an estimate for your project. 90003 90002 The type of siding will be a major factor in the cost of repairs, as different materials vary in cost. 90043 [2] 90044 90003 90071 The Cost of Wood Siding 90072 90002 Depending on the quality of the wood, wood siding costs between 90034 $ 7.95 and $ 12.95 90035 per square foot including installation. It ranges from 90034 $ 3.50 to $ 4.50 90035 per square foot uninstalled. 90003 90071 The Cost of Metal Siding 90072 90002 The most common type of metal siding is aluminum siding, which costs 90034 $ 3 to $ 6 90035 per square foot uninstalled and around 90034 $ 2.20 90035 uninstalled. 90003 90071 The Cost of Vinyl Siding 90072 90002 Basic vinyl siding costs between 90034 65 cents 90035 and 90034 $ 2.25 90035 per square foot uninstalled and approximately 90034 $ 2 — $ 7 90035 per square foot installed.90043 [3] 90044 90003 90071 The Cost of Cement Fiber Siding 90072 90002 Depending on the size, finish, and retailer, cement fiber siding can cost anywhere from 90034 70 cents to $ 5.25 90035 per square foot (uninstalled). This price describes what’s known as clapboards, which are the most common form of cement fiber siding. 90003 90002 Be careful when you’re investing in cement fiber siding, as it must be painted before it’s installed, and it might be unfinished when it’s purchased. The price rises to approximately 90034 $ 10 90035 per square foot when you include installation costs.90003 90028 Think Carefully Before Choosing to Repair Siding Yourself 90007 90002 Saving money is a big incentive for many homeowners, which is why DIY is a booming industry, with home improvement stores in America generating over 100 billion U.S. dollars annually. Doing things yourself can be incredibly rewarding, and there are definitely some tasks both inside and outside the home that do not require the work of a professional tradesman. 90003 90002 However, repairing siding is a task that requires a high level of skill and experience.Do not forget that siding is essentially the protective barrier of your home. Restoring it requires the use of specialized equipment and the ability to ensure the coverage is seamless and secure. As such, it is not recommended that you try it out yourself unless you’ve had experience in this area before. 90003 90002 To help understand siding costs check out our new siding cost guide and use our siding material calculator to assist with material calculation. 90003 90028 Painting Does Wonders 90007 90002 Finding out how much it costs to repair siding is one thing, but chances are you will also have to paint or stain your siding too.This is because the areas that are replaced will look newer and brighter than the areas that did not need to be repaired. 90003 90002 Sometimes all siding needs is a good cleaning, which can be done by power-washing or pressure-washing. 90003 90002 The exterior of your home will look mismatched until you fix it up with some type of finish to even out the varying ages of material, particularly if it’s wood. Learn more about siding and exterior paint costs to prepare for your painting project.90003 90002 All pricing information on this page is based on average industry costs, and is subject to variance for project-specific materials, labor rates, and requirements. 90003 .